Thursday 7 August 2014

Week 3 Term 3

Hi Everyone!

This week we have moved into our project groups, ready to take on and investigate a lot of new learning!  Our focus this term has been "What's Out There?".  We have been thinking about this through the lens of "Digital Age Literacy".  We have specifically focussed on the Multicultural literacies and Scientific literacies to spark the children's interests.  Five groups have formed:

The Control Panel Builders:  This group plan to find out more about circuits and how they could make a control panel using electricity for a rocket.

The Rocket Blasters:  So far we have been doing experiments on air pressure to see if we can come up with how we can build our own rocket and make it blast off. 

The Space Detectives:  These children wanted to investigate into specific aspects of space.  So far we have sub groups looking into stars, aliens and gravity.  

South Africa:  This group are studying into life in South Africa, with a particular interest in the food and wildlife there.  

The Outside Area Developers:  This group plan on enhancing our learning area outside of LC1.  

As you can see, quite a variety of groups! We're really excited to see what the children come up with and the learning they are going to do along the way.  This term immersion and projects have looked different to last term as we really could not envisage what their projects would look like at the start of the process! Watch this space for updates over the coming weeks!

Linking to the projects, our learner disposition focus this week and the coming weeks is "Do I support my group or team by doing jobs that need completing?"

Below are some photos from our science experiment on air pressure. If you scrunch up a little piece of paper towel and place it in the mouth of a bottle and then try to blow it in it just blows out!  This is because the bottle is already full of air!  

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